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        > NCB內嚙合齒輪泵
        > IHK化工離心泵
        > 球形轉子泵
        > 氣動隔膜泵

    銷 售 部:15961576985 王先生
    固 話:0510-80751709
    傳 真:0510-80751709
    郵 箱:wangyunchuan86@163.com
    網(wǎng) 址: m.yingligjg.com
    地 址:江蘇省宜興市萬石工業(yè)園

    當前位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > NCB內嚙合齒輪泵

    I. Product Overview
            The NCB type rodent wheel engages the gear pump is to use the principles of internal and external gear pitch circle close to one side, the other side is the pump cover "crescent board" separated. Initiative on the gear shaft driven to rotate in the same direction in which the outer gear, separated from each other to form a negative pressure at the inlet outer teeth absorb liquids person, teeth embedded in the exit of the continuous engagement of the liquid squeezed output. Because of this unique structure, it is particularly suitable for conveying the viscosity of the medium viscosity range of 0.2-100000cp;
            This series of pumps can reverse transport, as long as the replacement motor rotation can be;
    The pump body can be turned, import position at right angles to facilitate matching export position;
    NCB-BW pump between the pump body, cover, bearing has a convenient connection insulation or cooling medium access interface.
            The pump has: no phenomenon of trapped oil output steady, high efficiency, low noise, long life advantages.
    型號 進出口徑 流量 (m3/h) 壓力 MPa 吸入真空 轉速 配用電機 裝配形式 重量 (kg)
    NCB2-0.3 G11/2” 2 0.3 0.03 75-700 Y100L-6/1.5 W-L 11
    NCB2-0.4 2 0.4 0.03 400 W-L
    NCB4-0.5 Ф40 4 0.5 0.05 210 Y100L2-4/3 W-L 70
    NCB4-2 4 400 W-L
    NCB6-0.5 6 500 W-L
    NCB8-0.5 8 670 W-L
    NCB12-0.5 Ф50 12 0.5 0.08 290 Y132M2-6/4 W-L 140
    NCB16-0.5 16 380 Y132M1-6/5.5 W-L
    NCB20-0.5 20 460 Y132M2-4/7.5 W-L
    NCB12-0.7 Ф80 12 0.7 0.08 220 Y160M-6/7.5 W-L 330
    NCB18-0.7 18 310 Y160L-6/11 W-L
    NCB24-0.5 24 0.5 0.08 420 Y160M-4/11 W-L
    NCB30-0.5 30 520 Y160M2-4/15 W-L
     width='150' style='border:1px #CCCCCC solid; padding:2px'/><br />IHK化工離心泵</a></td><td align='center' style='line-height:180%;'><a href='product_203_pone_59_ptwo_' title='氣動隔膜泵'><img src=uploadfiles/201499/201499134613472.jpg alt=
     width='150' style='border:1px #CCCCCC solid; padding:2px'/><br />球形轉子泵</a></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td height='30' align='right'><a href='#' onclick='history.back();return false;' title='返回'><img src='image/back_c.gif' border='0'></a>    <a href='#' onclick='window.print();return false;' title='打印'><img src='image/print_c.gif' border='0'></a></td></tr></table>
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    COPYRIGHT ? 2014-2016   宜興市恒躍機械設備有限公司 版權所有.                    蘇ICP備16017244號-1
    地址:江蘇省宜興市萬石工業(yè)園  手機:15961576985 王先生  18251552308 張先生  固話:0510-80751709  傳真:0510-80751709  網(wǎng)址:m.yingligjg.com
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